Website Project Reflection

Website Project Reflection

I enjoyed this project so much! I appreciate the flexibility in being able to branch off and build something new. I built a site that is all about my goats! Here is the link:

My critique partner for this project was Caleb Smith. He made some great suggestions, to include making the images flow instead of only being centered and adding more content.

I feel that I did well with using a simple and clean design. I also feel like the content has good balance with the white space and the site has a cohesive theme throughout. I could definitely improve on image positioning, as several of the images have more space around them than what I consider ideal and I had issues getting other elements to fall into place around the images. I addressed the issues that Caleb brought up by moving my image tags inside the paragraph elements. I had previously had them outside of the paragraphs and that is why I was not able to float the images appropriately. I also added more content as recommended, particularly to the “Products” page since that was the page with the most empty space. Finally, I replaced the previous contact form with one from Wufoo since the previous form, although custom built, was not functional.


On Key

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