Myers-Briggs Type

Myers-Briggs Type

  1. Based on what you have learned about your MBTI profile, what do you need/expect in your work environment?

Based on what I have learned about my profile (INFJ), I need meaning and purpose in my work environment. I thrive on feeling valued and being a part of something bigger.

  1. What type of leader do you expect to be and how does this profile reflect that?

I expect to be a fair and understanding leader, as I want people to work peacefully together. My profile reflects that when it states I would not be happy in a job that promotes conflict.

  1. When working on a team/in a group, how do you think knowing the other people’s profiles would change the group interactions?

When working in a team or group, I think knowing the other people’s profiles would assist in determining each member’s values as well as communication style. It allows one to more aware of those around them.


On Key

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