ITEC 3610 Sales Speech

ITEC 3610 Sales Speech


I. Attention Getter: (Tell us something that will immediately grab our attention)

Quote by Winston Churchill:

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.”

II. Listener Relevance: (Tell us why we should listen to this presentation)

Teamwork is a crucial part of success in the professional world. As we pursue our educational goals, we must seize opportunities to collaborate and grow together.

III. Speaker Credibility: (What research/personal experience make you credible on this topic) 

I’ve made a lot of mistakes in life, and experienced a fair share of trial and error. In the process, I have learned that nothing is ever given to you and you must work hard to create the life that you want.

IV. Thesis Statement: (In one sentence, what is the goal of your speech?) 

I’d like to take a few minutes to tell you about myself and what I can bring to the table.

V. Preview: (Tell us specifically and concisely, in order, what your main points will be.) 

I will be talking about my background, education, and future plans.

Transition: (Take us to the first main point)

First I will talk about my background.


I. Main Point One:  Background

Listener Relevance Link: (Tell us how this point connects to us)

Everyone has to start somewhere, and I did it backwards!

A.  Military

1.  15 years in Army. Work in Civil Affairs as a liaison between military and civilians.

2.  Deployed overseas in 2017-2018.

B.  Police Department

1.  8 years of service. Member of crisis negotiations team, school resource officer, child safety seat technician.

2.  Desire to help people and make a difference.

C.  Business Owner & Homesteader

1.  13 years breeding and selling designer reptiles. Experience in digital marketing, advertising, multiple social media platforms, trade shows, logo design, and website.

2.  2 years homesteading. I’m passionate about homesteading and self-sufficiency. I want to teach my kids valuable skills.

Transition: (Take us to the second main point)

Next I will talk about my education and future plans.

II. Main Point Two:  Education & Future Plans

Listener Relevance Link: (Tell us how this point connects to us)

I am a lifelong learner and am excited about what the future holds!

A.  Education

1.  B.A. in Web Design & Development

2.  Minors in Information Technology and Graphic Design

B.  Career    

1.  Work as full-stack web developer for local digital marketing or web development company.

2.  Collaborate with other passionate individuals on projects.

C.  Business & Homestead        

1.  Streamline my reptile business to focus on higher-end production.

2.  Share the love of homesteading and self-sufficiency with others through social media and educational workshops.

Transition:(Take us to the conclusion)

To conclude.


I. Restate Thesis (Restate the main idea of the presentation)

I hope this presentation allowed you to gain a better understanding of who I am and how I can be a valuable asset to your team.

II. Main Point Summary (Explicitly review the main points you talked about)

I spoke about my background, education, and future plans.

III. Clincher (Refer back to attention getter)

I’d love to work with you in creating creative solutions for our clients and pursuing success!


On Key

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